Our School
White Oaks Public School was opened in 1978 to serve 565 students from Kindergarten to Grade Eight. In 1998, a new White Oaks Public School was opened as a joint venture of the City of London and the Thames Valley District School Board. The renovated facility combined an elementary school with an aquatic centre to serve the South London community. Special and unique features of White Oaks Public School include: a triple size gymnasium, state-of-the-art library, and an outstanding lunchroom and servery.
Currently, White Oaks Public School shares its building with The London Children's Connection, the South London Community Pool and a new Family Centre that opened in May 2014 to provide services to families in the diverse White Oaks Community.
White Oaks' enrollment is currently at 1089 FTE.
School Organization
East Wing (FDK-Grade 2):
Full Day Kindergarten (7)
Grade 1 (5)
Grade 2 (5)
West Wing (Grade 2/3-8)
Grade 2/3 (1)
Grade 3 (4)
Grade 4 (5)
Grade 5 (4)
Grade 5/6 (1)
Grade 6 (4)
Grade 7/8 (1)
Grade 7 (4)
Grade 8 (4)